Mom's exams are over - dankie tog! Now she can do the blog again. We don't like the way she talked 'about' Cheti in the previous article so she will have to take that out. (humblest apologies, I think exams fried my mind a bit! - S)
Here we are with Pholoso, that is Maria's baby. He is very cute and we all love him to bits!
I am at school and it is good. Some days are better than others. Mom says that is how life is. I hope she is wrong. We are only 13 children in my class. My friends so far are Kevin and Mogae. We all have to do athletics and I am not very fast. Mom says my Oupa Tex, who played very good rugby, said that guys are either strong or fast and that it is rare to be both. So I feel better now because I would rather be strong than fast. - Rathla
Ek is nou die oudste wanneer Rathla by die skool is. Ek hou baie van lees en skryf. Wanneer Mamma studeer dan werk ek by haar met my boeke en goed. Mamma se ek gaan deur skool vlieg. Whatever. Ek kleur baie graag in en ek en Mamma werk ook op die rekenaar. Ek het 'n rekenaarprogram wat ons doen. Ek hou ook daarvan om met Savuti te speel. Mamma vat my saam wanneer sy Masakhane toe of iewers anders heen ry. Ek mis vir Rathla en ek kan nie wag dat hy in die middae by die huis moet kom nie. - Franci
Ek is nou twee en ek praat nou al mooi en ek hardloop en speel met Cheti. Ek hou niks daarvan as enige iemand vir enige iemand anders drukkies en soentjies gee nie - net ek mag dit doen. Ek wurm my tussen Mamma en Pappa in en ek wonder wat beteken dit as hulle se: 'little passion killer'? - Savuti
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