Hallo there everyone, we are back. Mom was busy with her own schoolstuff and so we got a bit of a break (jippie!), but unfortunately so did the blog. We are all well and healthy, Savuti getting 6 teeth all at once (!).
It is getting cool now here on Kranskop and we have to dress warmly because mom and the nanny are cold! How does that work?!!!!!?
We have started a HUGE Museum book, where we stick in all the interesting things we pick up on our walks. Then we have to look it up in dad's books and then we have to find something interesting to learn about that thing e.g. if it is a feather, we must learn something about that bird etc. We are allowed to stick pieces of glass or stones in the museum book too. Anything really.
We are getting a new house built for us on the farm and thats good because Savuti gets through the gate and up the stairs in a flash and the new house doesnt have an upstairs.
(Rathla has decided to have his hair cut - it is currently hanging below his shoulders and now he wants a sort of a Brad Pitt in 'Meet Joe Black' style.) (S)
(Franci tel die dae tot haar verjaardag op die 10de April, sy wil net 'n koek he en 'n pophuis, so ons gaan die naweek vir haar een bou. Groot genoeg vir Rathla en Savuti om saam te speel.)
(Savuti is nou hiper oulik - sy skud haar kop 'ja' en 'neeee' vir alles wat jy haar vra. Sy en Franci speel nou ook lekker - net Rathla raak geiriteerd met haar want sy breek al die 'huise' en 'tente' en 'kampe' wat hulle met al die komberse en stoelkussings en bokse regdeur die hele huis bou dat mens nie kan loop nie!)
Ons gaan in April by 'n plek slaap waar mens in ossewaens slaap - ek en Rathla het nou net 'Jock of the Bushveld klaar gelees en dit sal 'n ervaring wees om in 'n wa te kan slaap soos 'Percy' (Fitzpatrick). Ek het natuurlik gehuil toe Percy sy os moes doodskiet en Rathla het self 'n paar trane afgevee - veral toe 'Jock' dood is.
Franci wil elke aand omtrent dieselfde storie hoor wanneer ek vir haar lees en is mal oor prinsesse. Ek noem haar ook my 'prinses'.
Sal later fotos publiseer, rekenaar stadig vanaand.(S)