Saturday, September 20, 2008

On a Saturday

On a Saturday we take it easy. We work in our vegetable garden and we often have friends come over. We have friends over almost every Saturday, because we dont go to school and our friends do, but not on a Saturday.
On a Saturday we love thinking up things for mom and dad to do. Like build a tree house, go for a walk, fix bicycles, wrestle etc.
Sometimes on a Saturday we go visit the neighbours. Then we play with the kids there.
On Saturdays we play. Almost like every other day.
It is Saturday now and we have been outside most the time.
What do you do on a Saturday?
R, C, S.

1 comment:

Kendra's mom said...

Hi. On Saturdays we go to puppy training classes for our new puppy Schumi at 8am - a bit early for my mom for a Saturday! Then it is usually the day the parents run around getting any shopping done that needs doing. I usually get dragged along unless I have been lucky enough to go for a sleepover at a friend in which case we just play all day. Since my mom is going to be climbing Kilimanjaro next year she has to get fit so she likes to go for hikes on Sundays and I like to go with. Yesterday we went up Lion's Head. It is very high. There was an airshow on at the same time and we were high enough to look down on some of the planes doing tricks!
Lotsa luv