Sonja says: When we drive in the car, we sometimes play 'cricket' or I spy with my little eye... My favourite is to play 'riddles' with the kids. Everyone gets a turn to make up a riddle and then the others must guess the answer. Here are some of the riddles that got made up on a recent trip to the village where I work. The kids love going there because there are friends for them to play with:
Franci: Why are there no chickens on other planets?
Rathla and I guessed and guessed until we eventually gave up...
Franci gave this answer: Because they are not chicken-planets!
Go figure.....
Rathla: What makes a noise in the morning and then falls into a man?
We had to give up - what can it be?
A chicken which gets its head chopped off and eaten for breakfast!!
Franci: How is wind made?
Sonja tried some undercover home schooling by trying to explain difference in air pressure etc.
Franci and Rathla together: Its angels blowing out there birthday candles!!!! (how they both know this is beyond me, but obviously I am not very informed on the facts of the weather...)
Rathla:Riddle me ree Riddle me Row (Rathla has a VERY good sense of the dramatic)
Theres five on my hands and I walk on my hands...
Sonja: Fingers?
Rathla: No mom its my toes! My feet are my hands that I walk on.
Sonja: What means 'Building together', but there are no brick buildings in that place?
Rathla: Its got to be Masakhane.
Correct. (Masakhane is the informal settlement where I work.)
Sonja: What is the strongest thing in the world but you cannot see it?
Rathla: Its inside you, it must be being brave or love or something, Ag mom you always say these things, its SO easy to answer your riddles.
Franci: (Just after two motorbikes have passed us on the road)
Motorbike Motorbike Two
Motorbike Motorbike true.
Rathla: Ag Cheti it is a motorbike.
Franci: No.
We gues and gues and then give up.
Franci: It is TWO motorbikes!
Ons ry verby 'n trop bobbejane en ek vra:
Sonja: Wat is daar 'n hele klomp van buite die kar en net twee van binne in die kar.
Rathla kry dit onmiddelik reg, (bobejane! ag mamma!!!!!) partykeer dink ek hy kan my gedagtes lees!
Rathla: What gives a lift and goes on and on?
Ons raai 'n kar, 'n taxi ens...
Rathla: Its our family! (Ek laai altyd mense op die grondpad op en Rathla het eendag vir my gevra hoekom doen ek dit? Toe se ek ek doen dit want sy oupa Tex het altyd mense 'lifts' gegee en toe se ek in 'n grap en 'n baie deftige stem 'you must be proud of yourself my son, you come from a long line of liftgivers!' Hy het dit onthou en het nou die dag vir my gese, ek moenie worry nie, hy sal nie die 'line' breek nie, sodra hy 'n kar het gaan hy ook vir mense 'lifts' gee - ja familie tradisies!
Franci maak die eienaardigste raaisels, sy se sommer enige iets met 'n klomp gebrabbel van sterre en beeste en riddle-me-rows alles deurmekaar. Dan hou sy net skielik op in die middel van 'n sin en dan moet ons nou raai wat dit is. Rathla raai: 'n lorrie, 'n wolk, 'n pad, 'n mens, liefde, 'n hero, ens. ens
Franci antwoord telkens "Nee"
Dan raai ek enigeiets, sommer 'n koei (want ek sien 'n koei)
Dan skree Franci 'CORRECT!'
Arme Rathla hy sal nog leer van die wispelturigheid van 'n vrou...
Geniet julle week, moenie bekommerd wees as ons dalk bietjie stil is nie, maar ek MOET regtig egtig hierdie week 'n paar werkstukke klaarmaak en inhandig! Ek sal die blog check en vir die kinders comments lees. E&S, Rathla maak my mal oor julle en
daardie riddle gaan hierdie week opgelos word. Hy is in elk geval al so goed op die spoor dat hy dit binnekort self sou uitgewerk het. Sal julle laat weet via e-pos!!! Mooi loop.