Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Especially for you Granny!

Here are some pictures of a little girl - just for you Granny Beryl! Love you lots and lots. Thanks for the money - we are going camping with it as soon as mom finishes her exams!

Cheti is a wonderfull little girl. She is certainly on her own mission - most of which remains a mystery to us exept that she is extremely compassionate and always willing to help. Whenever she accidentally hurts Savuti or Rathla she cries more than they do - she feels so sorry for them. She is a real softy, I suppose we all are, although Rathla and Savuti seem to be a bit tougher.

She loves playing on her own sometimes, but she also loves playing blom-blom etc. with Rathla and wrestling with her dad. Her and Savuti play together nicely now and when Rathla goes to school next year we expect the girls to play together lots more.

Cheti started speaking English when we made friends with Carol and Lorna our neighbours. Now she speaks English very easily (after refusing point blank to for 3 and a half years!)

Franci loves fairies and fairy picture books and she also likes colouring in those black and white pictures and stuff Granny gave her once. She loves doing her schooling and once we have Rathla out of the way we will also get more time for that.

She loves wearing dresses over pants (just like her mom), and whenever we go anywhere she always tries to look like me. She doesn't like blood and gore and gets very upset when Ian has a fatality on the game farm. She doesn't mind getting very dirty, she is not very girly (impossible with parents like us and living where we live!)

Saturday, December 20, 2008

Savuti unplugged...

Net 'n paar fotos. Ian se rekenaar is gesteel en ons het 'n hele klomp verloor. Van Rathla en Sav se verjaardae ens. Nou sit ek hierdie maar op dat hul darm gesien kan word.

OK, eks gereed vir die ski-hellings - wie kom saam?

You've got to stop and smell the roses...OK irises will have to do...

Ek is so vreeslik oulik en ek weet dit ook...

Newsflash! Rathla is going to school!

Big News! I am going to school next year. Mom and Dad and me went to go check out Woodlands school after mom heard about it from two of the teachers from there who were in her 'learn not to hit your children' class. (My Parent Effectiveness Training' class, but Rathla tells everyone I teach people not to hit their children, which is part of it. - S)

Woodlands school is amazing. (It is a nature-orientated school). There is a stream running through it where the children catch fishes and crabs in breaktime, when the weather is nice we have classes outside, lots of snakes in cages and scorpions and owls which got hit by cars and then the school looks after them (the school rehabilitates owls). And there is a secret passage, mom doesn't believe this, but there is - I saw it when I went to go check out the school for a day.

Anyway, I am so exited I am counting the sleeps and although mom had a bit of a hard time letting me go (ja, I did, its quite hard - S), she is also exited now.

We go to school in any blue shorts and green t-shirt and mom has bought me that and red underpants.

I am going to love school, I am going to gr. 2 and I am so looking forward that I said to my Uncle Rathla and all my other aunts and uncles that I don't want Christmast presents - they must put the money in a special account that mom made for me to help mom and dad pay for the school. (Rathla really did this and we are very proud of him. The schoolfees are a bit steep, but it is such a lovely place, will make plans -S.)

Next year we will post photos of me at Woodlands then you can put it on your fridge Granny! But now we first have to do Cristmast and that is another story...



Friday, December 5, 2008


We all went abseiling in November. A friend of mom's is an abseiling instructor and she said we could come for free! Thanks Nina! It was very very scary - 18 m high off a steep cliff. Cheti got all kitted out, but she decided she would like to rather learn to abseil off a lower rock or the roof or something.

Cheti - eks nou mooi opgedress en als met sommer TWEE harnasse aan, maar ek dink ek sal maar liewer dit volgende keer doen dankie!

Rathla - I was very scared and halfway I stopped and wouldn't let go the cord, but then mom and Nina talked to me from high up there and eventually I could do it! There was like a place where the rock goes in, (an overhang) and that was super scary because you just hang free, nowhere to put your feet! Dad was waiting for me at the bottom and it was great when I realized that I did it! Mom says now I know how to face my fears. Hope I don't have to do a lot of that... Now I love abseiling and cannot wait to do it again!

P.S. More photos to follow when the signal picks up - same old promise. En sorry Karel, ek het probeer maar ek kry nie die beloofde videoclip vir jou verjaardag gelaai nie, ek sal weer probeer. - Sonja

Sunday, November 23, 2008

Happy Birthday!

Happy Birthday Karel! Here are some birthday wishes for you from us. you also have to check this spot later because we will be loading a videoclip for you when dad comes home for lunch. (Oh, please ignore the date at the top here - mom's computer is a day behind. It is now Monday 24 November - we know.) - Rathla and Cheti

From Rathla - Happy Birthday Karel. I hope you have a wonderfull day with lots of presents. Love you.

From Cheti - Happy Birthday! Watse persent wil jy he en watse persente het jy gekry? - Cheti

Monday, November 3, 2008

Girls and Blooms

We have a beautiful patch of Dutch Irises growing in front of the house. I just couldn't resist taking these of the girls, even though the light was not perfect. I thought I would go back later when the light was softer, but then I never got a chance again and before I knew it the flowers were all spent... perhaps next year then, but for now these are just lovely.

Summer is beautiful here in the Magalies mountains. Rathla and Cheti just LOVE flowers and at least half of their games are about flowers being people. The other half is about the characters they hear about when we read for them. At least 3 times a day I have to answer the question: 'Mom, what animal are you?' and then if I don't choose an animal THEY want they will say, 'No mom, you can be either a squirrel or an otter'. So I usually end up being an otter.

We love the garden at Redwall although it had been a bit abandoned and neglected before we moved in - we have had our first bits of rain and have sown lots of seeds, so will send some more pics around Christmas when things should be beautiful. (S)
Signal poor here today, took ages to get this on, will try again some other time.

Saturday, October 18, 2008

Sussies in die bad

Savuti en Cheti speel baie lekker saam. Cheti is vreeslik saggeaard en ook baie in haar noppies dat sy 'n 'ousus' is en sy pas vir Savuti baie mooi op. Hul gee mekaar baie drukkies en soentjies en is mal oor mekaar. Hier het ek hulle in die bad afgeneem, ek moes later gaan soebat dat hulle moet uitklim en aantrek. Maar nie voor Savuti 'n hele kaalnaelery op loop gesit het nie...

Ons pas baie lekker in hierdie skottel - los ons nou uit asb?

Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Cheti se beurt

Sjoe, mens kry ook nie 'n kans op hierdie blog nie!

Ek het ook so lanklaas verjaar, en Rathla se verjaardag blog moet nog gedoen word, en Savuti verjaar een van die dae (6 November) (Sorry ek is 'n bietjie agter met die blog maar my projek het my so 'n bietjie besig gehou - Sonja) so ek beter my kans gryp terwyl ek kan.

Ek het uit die dakkamer getrek hierdie week. Ek bly nou in my en Savuti se kamer. Mamma-hulle moet net vir Savuti 'n matras koop dan trek sy uit Mamma en Pappa se kamer en dan het ons 'n 'girls room'. Ek en mamma het groot planne vir ons kamer. Ek wil dit Pienk geverf he en met 'n prinses-ding (muskietnet) bo elke bed en met allerhande pienk prente en goed teen die muur (my werk is vir my uitgeknip vir die volgende twee maande weet almal nou wat ek en Ian oor naweke gaan doen, dis nou die ding met twee prinsesse in die huis...(S))

Ons hen sit op eiers en daardie eiers gaan op Savuti se verjaardag uitbroei. Ons tel almal die slapies, want Savuti gaan dalk 'n hond kry vir haar verjaardag en ons is almal baie lus vir 'n klein hondjie.
Ek sal later weer skryf ek gaan nou buite speel.

Sunday, October 12, 2008

Savuti se dinge

Savuti begin nou mooi praat. Sy wys graag na almal se fotos op die yskas en se dan hul name. Sy noem Cheti 'B-B' en sy kan 'Kaa-wil' (Karel) se en sy noem vir Rathla 'Oupa' (Hys nie eintlik beindruk daarmee nie!)

Sy se 'n hele paar seTswana woorde, sy kan hoender (kgokgo), thlaku (skoen) en 'o a wa' (jy gaan val) se. Haar seTswana naam is Masilo en dis nou jammer want dit beteken 'die een wat baie huil, (sy was 'n koliekbaba en het vir die eerste 4 maande aanhoudend geskree!) maar die naam het gebly en sy reageer daarop wanneer die staf met haar praat.

In Engels se sy 'come' en in afrikaans 'kom in, kom in' (ek dink sy hoor dit dalk op die tweerigting radio in ons huis). Sy se ook 'Goggabie' vir alle goggas en in ons huis is dit 'n wonderwerk want Ian verwys na omtrent al die goggas op hul Latynse name, maar 'n vierde taal is dalk 'n bietjie erg vir so 'n klein persoon!

Sy eet self en hou daarvan om met die hoenders te speel en die groente nat te maak.

Savuti is baie liefdevol en gee graag drukkies en (natterige) soene.

Sy hou daarvan as almal hande klap. Sy abba graag 'n teddie op haar rug (soos wat Miemie haar abba), en sy hou baie van musiek en sing.

As een van die ander kinders huil, troos sy hulle graag en se dan 'baba huil'.

Nes haar mamma is sy mal oor die maan en sal in die aand weer en weer op die stoep uithardloop en elke keer so bly wees om die maan te sien.

Sy is nogal ekstrovert, maar kan haar skaam hou met vreemdelinge. Sy is 'n groot flirt en loer en glimlag tot sy aandag kry.

Sav hou van teken en ons wit bord (met al my afsprake op) loop telkens deur. Dan raai ons maar waar ons wanneer moet wees om wat te doen, maar ons het darm wonderlike kunswerke op daai bord!

Sy is nogal 'tough' en huil nie sommer as sy val nie maar sal vir dae daarna, na haar 'eina' wys en land en sand vertel hoe sy die besering opgedoen het. Sy en Franci kan lekker rof speel, maar Rathla speel mooi saggies met haar (maar hy speel baie rof met Franci!).

Savuti is rustig en mense merk altyd op hoe verstom hulle is dat sy so saggies met diere werk. Sy trek nooit ore of sterte of slaan na diere nie, instede ruil sy en die honde meer speeksel uit as 'n verliefde paartjie in 'n stomende film! (Ons ontwurm ons hele lot elke 6 maande, darem!)

Wednesday, October 8, 2008

'n Paar fotos van ons by Redwall

Hier is 'n paar fototjies van ons by Redwall. Jammer hulle is so bietjie klein, maarhul pixels versteur wanneer ons hulle groter maak. Hier is Rathla, Cheti en hul vriend Jade met die magaliesberge in die agtergrond

Hier speel ons in ons kamer bo in die dakvertrek

Dis ons kat Macaroni op die trappe op na ons kamer toe.

Hier pluk Cheti boomgom van een van die akasias in ons tuin.

Mooi bly julle almal en sterkte met die eksamens Karel!

Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Chickens and Pigs

We have chickens and pigs and we intend to eat at least some of them! Do you think that is gruesome? Well perhaps, but really all the meat in the shops were once chickens or pigs running around.
We have already eaten some of our own hen's eggs. The yellows are REALLY bright yellow. We will also soon be geting some spinach and carrots and onions from our garden.
It is our job to make sure that the chickens and pigs always have water and food. Some of the baby chickens are quite tame, you can touch them and play with them.
Our black hen lays an egg every day. Mom says once she goes and sits on them it will take exactly 21 days for them to hatch.
We are going to be getting some bream soon to raise and eat. Bream is the most delicious fish in the world and dad knows just how to cook them.
So what was first - the chicken or the egg? Mmmm.... we wonder...
Will Post pics of our chickens soon.
Love you all
R, C and S

Saturday, September 20, 2008

On a Saturday

On a Saturday we take it easy. We work in our vegetable garden and we often have friends come over. We have friends over almost every Saturday, because we dont go to school and our friends do, but not on a Saturday.
On a Saturday we love thinking up things for mom and dad to do. Like build a tree house, go for a walk, fix bicycles, wrestle etc.
Sometimes on a Saturday we go visit the neighbours. Then we play with the kids there.
On Saturdays we play. Almost like every other day.
It is Saturday now and we have been outside most the time.
What do you do on a Saturday?
R, C, S.

Friday, September 5, 2008

Yes its us!

Can you believe it! We are back at last. Did you all miss us terribly? We bet you did. This time it was not because mom couldn't find our blog but because we couldn't find mom under all those terribly thick and heavy and boring books which she just piled up on our dining room table and from under which she just sometimes came out to sleep and eat.
Anyway, we are all well, we love our new house, and tomorrow we are planting a vegetable garden. We all love vegetables and fruit. We are planting cabbage, gooseberries, tomatoes, spinach, carrots, radishes, onions and we got a tree tomatoe plant from our friend Lorna.
Well, thats it for now, we will post the photos of Rathla's birthday and the jumping castle soon.
Lekker Slaap
Rati, Cheti and Sav

Wednesday, July 16, 2008

My Girl friend - by Rathla

We had our house warming party on Sunday. My Girlfriend Kerry came too. She brought me 3 new Redwall Books. Mom and I have already started reading one. It is about badgers. I really enjoyed Sunday. I took Kerry and her husband Reo for a walk.

Here is me and Kerry.

Saturday, June 28, 2008

We will be back soon!

Hallo everyone, we are moving to Redwall (see picture) on Monday and we will be off the air for a bit while we wait for our new computer. We will be able to communicate though as we will go check our mail at a friend's house. We have set up an email for the meantime, which you can use to communicate with us. please don't use our old email address anymore. Well we are hoping to hear from you all! Watch this spot...we won't be gone for too long then we will be back blogging away!

P.S. Karel, sal jy asseblief vir jou ma ook hierdie epos adres gee - groete Sonja.

Monday, June 23, 2008

Haasbek en poenskop!

Rathla het 2 voortande gewissel. Natuurlik moes die tand in 'n spesiale kussinkie vir die tandmuis wag. Die eerste tand het vir R 10 verhandel en alles was reg, hy het tot die geld vir my gegee om by te dra tot sy nuwe Redwall boek. Met die tweede tand was die mark egter onstabiel: Rathla het die R10 noot uitgehaal, bekyk en toe weer netjies opgevou en terug gesit met die woorde "Well, that was the tooth mouse, I first want to see if the Tooth Fairy won't bring me more. Mom, could you let her know to come and have a look at this tooth please." Ja wel, die Tooth Fairy het toe maar R 20 gebring en ek sien swarigheid vorentoe want hy het nog 'n hele mond vol tande wat moet wissel. En 2 sussies na hom!

Franci sny vreeslik graag haar eie kuif reg op haar kop af. Ander kere knip sy haar hare nes sy wil. Dit pla my glad nie en elke nou en dan vra een van my vriendinne WAAR ek dan Franci se hare so mooi laat sny het. Die geld gespaar van die haarkapper maak seker maar op vir die duur Tooth Fairy...
P.S. Karel, Rathla-hulle het jou mail gekry en was vreeslik opgewonde. Het ook al klaar weer begin 'terug skryf!' - Franci ook. Ek weet nie of hulle fotos sal deur laat gaan nie, jou ma het al een keer vir ons 'n foto probeer stuur, maar hulle 'edit' dit uit by die cmr. Probeer maar, anders sal ons ons epos adres vir julle laat kry sodra ons ons nuwe rekenaar het (en sodra ek weet hoe om die nuwe rekenaar te werk!) Groete - Sonja

Friday, June 20, 2008

Savuti en Willemiena.

Kan ek darm net ook 'n beurt kry op hierdie koerant! Dalk moet Rathla maar sy eie WEBWERF kry want 'n blog is lykmy nie genoeg vir hom nie! Ons girls kry nie 'n kans nie...

Hierdie stukkie is spesiaal vir my oumas - Granny Beryl en my Tswana ouma Emmie - en vir al mamma se sussies en vriendinne.

Hier is ek en my nanny Willemiena.

Ek noem haar Miemie en ek is mal oor haar. Sy speel so lekker met my en my Rathla en Cheti. Ek raak baie maklik op haar rug aan die slaap...

Maar nou is ek bederf daarmee. En Willemiena moet darem af en toe vir 'n naweek 'n draai by haar eie huis gaan maak. Het mamma toe gesukkel om my aan die slaap te kry! (Ja op 'n dag waarop ek 'n 'deadline' het vir 'n kursus wat ek moet skryf! -S!)

Toe maak mamma 'n plan...

En sommer gou was ek rustig aan die slaap. (En ek rustig aan die werk met my hande vry - dankie tog! - S)

Savuti se nou al die volgende woorde:
Mamma, Bal, Melk, huil, baba, daar, Dada (vir Ian), njam-njam.

Sy kan soos 'n padda kwaak en soos 'n kat miau en soos 'n hond blaf. - dis nou haar CV sover.

Sy hou daarvan om vreeslike fyn goedjies, soos stukkies dons op te tel.

Sy speel baie lekker met Franci en Rathla in die aand en sy en Franci kan ook baie lekker pop speel wanneer Rathla nie by is nie.
Savuti is 'n vreeslike 'flirt'. Wanneer iemand vreemds haar aandag wil he, speel sy eers 'hard to get', maar loer en glimlag die hele tyd vir die persoon, totdat sy meer aandag kry!

Sy is mal oor musiek en ons dink sy gaan 'rave' want sy kan haar lyf GLAD nie stil hou wanneer vinnige musiek speel nie. 'Rave' die jongklomp nog of doen hulle nou iets anders! Laat weet bietjie, ek moet darm op datum bly met wat aangaan - hier in die bos verloor ons so bietjie tred met die wereld! O, ja en ons het net mooi ALLES probeer ons kry nie daardie raaisel uitgerafel nie - watter woord kan vorentoe of agtertoe of onderstebo geskryf word en dieselfde bly???!!!!! - lol? s.o.s? ons weet nie - help 'n bietjie uit!

Wednesday, June 18, 2008

New email coming soon!

Hallo Everyone!
As you all know we are moving soon. We are also getting a new computer and a new email address. As soon as we have it we will post our email address on here so you all know where to send letters and things to. We also left our postal address under one of our earlier posts called 'Urgent Book Alert'...
We would just LOVE to read YOUR blog! Then we can use that to leave comments on untill we get our new email.
Its cold here today - we are playing inside making tents out of sheets and things. (En niemand kan loop in daardie huis nie dis so vol tente en kinders! - S)
Enjoy your day and to all our friends and family writing exams (whats that?) - good luck!

Friday, June 13, 2008

Spinnekopbyt en ander goeters.

Hallo almal, hoop dit gaan goed met julle. Met ons gaan dit goed, ons is opgewonde om te trek al moet ons totsiens se vir Dolla ons volstruis en al die staff wat saam met Pappa en Mamma werk. Ons trek net na die plasie langsaan toe - ons sal die staff steeds sien en Pappa het gese miskien kan ons uitkyk vir twee baba dogtertjie-volstruise om self groot te maak! Daaroor is ons baie opgewonde.

Rathla - I have been bitten by a Sack-spider again! This is the third time it happens in this house! The first time it was really bad, but then mom got me some Homeopathic medicine and it got better. The second time mom and dad knew it was a spider bite straight away and got me the medicine and although it took a while it got better quicker. This time I started taking the medicine quickly and you wont believe - that bite never became as bad as the one on the picture here when I was bitten on my tummy.
I was real happy about that, because sack spider bites are very sore and can take up to three weeks to get better. They also make your skin go very bad with a very big eina and a lot of gagga-stuff. The only thing I didnt like was that I did not quite get the same reaction as before when I tried to gross people out (One of Rathla's favourite passtimes - S).
Anyway the homeopathic doctor said that this proves the way that homeopathic medicines work - they help your body to fight the thing attacking it and it makes your body's soldiers strong.
Hi Karel, I will ask my mom to write you a letter from me instead of her just always writing to your mom. Pity I cannot write so well yet or else you and I could have just written to each other without involving our moms at all! Anyway, are you scared of spiders? I love them and keep (harmless ones) as pets sometimes. here is a picture of one. Now how about a picture of you?

Tuesday, June 3, 2008

Ai tog!

Ai tog, Hier by ons gaan dit nog STEEDS rof. Grandpa Peter is darem weer gesond en Dolla die volstruis ook, maar ons kat Spaghetti is vandag by die vearts dood. Hy moes 'n operasie kry vir sy blaas en toe kom hy net nooit by na die narkose nie. Die vearts se Spaghetti was 'n bietjie oorgewig... Ons is SO hartseer. Hy was 'n regte ou liefdier en ons gaan hom so mis. Mamma gaan hom more haal by die vearts want ons wil hom self begrawe by ons nuwe huis.

Ons hou baie van ons nuwe huis. Daar is 'n dakkamer vir Rathla en Cheti en 'n boom wat perfek is vir 'n boomhuis in die tuin. Ons gaan nou nie meer op Rooikrans bly nie, ons gaan net hier naby in Redwall bly. Ons het ons nuwe huis daardie naam gegee want die buitemure is donker rooi en soos julle weet is dit ook die naam van die reeks boeke waaroor ons mal is.

Mamma en Pappa het ook gister vir ons baie belangrike nuus gegee. Maar ons sal julle eers bietjie later daarvan vertel. Ons is BAIE opgewonde daaroor. Maar vir nou wys ons eers vir julle ons nuwe huis - Redwall. Ons trek die einde van Junie in.

Elsbeth, baie dankie vir jou 'comment' - Mamma se sy stuur sommer gou vir jou en Sam-Karel 'n epos om te laat weet wat ons ALLES te se het!!!

AAAAG!!!!! Hierdie blogger wil nie vanaand fotos laai nie, ek sal more weer probeer, eks nou te moeg. En more het ek 'n hele begrafnis om te reel! Lekker slaap. (S)

Friday, May 23, 2008

Dit gaan 'n bietjie rof hier by ons!

Hallo aan almal, Hier by ons gaan dit 'n bietjie rof. Ons grandpa Peter is baie baie siek en pappa het vanoggend Oos London toe gevlieg om vir Granny Beryl te gaan help. Ons gaan trek en ons is nie lus DAARVOOR nie en boonop is Dolla, ons volstruis so siek dat mamma die veearts gebel het en hy gaan netnou kom kyk of hy vir Dolla kan help. Ons gee haar water en kos maar sy wil niks he nie. Sy is ook baie siek.
Ons voel deurmekaar, mamma is te besig om vrae te antwoord, te troos of te help. Ons wens dit was 'n ander Vrydag wanneer sy net rustig saam met ons is, maar sy hardloop so rond ons sien haar skaars. Ons sal julle laat weet wanneer dit bietjie beter gaan. Pappa, ons is lief vir jou en mis jou baaaaaaaaaaie!

Sunday, May 18, 2008

Riddles and Rhymes...

Sonja says: When we drive in the car, we sometimes play 'cricket' or I spy with my little eye... My favourite is to play 'riddles' with the kids. Everyone gets a turn to make up a riddle and then the others must guess the answer. Here are some of the riddles that got made up on a recent trip to the village where I work. The kids love going there because there are friends for them to play with:

Franci: Why are there no chickens on other planets?

Rathla and I guessed and guessed until we eventually gave up...

Franci gave this answer: Because they are not chicken-planets!

Go figure.....

Rathla: What makes a noise in the morning and then falls into a man?
We had to give up - what can it be?
A chicken which gets its head chopped off and eaten for breakfast!!

Franci: How is wind made?
Sonja tried some undercover home schooling by trying to explain difference in air pressure etc.
Franci and Rathla together: Its angels blowing out there birthday candles!!!! (how they both know this is beyond me, but obviously I am not very informed on the facts of the weather...)

Rathla:Riddle me ree Riddle me Row (Rathla has a VERY good sense of the dramatic)
Theres five on my hands and I walk on my hands...
Sonja: Fingers?
Rathla: No mom its my toes! My feet are my hands that I walk on.

Sonja: What means 'Building together', but there are no brick buildings in that place?
Rathla: Its got to be Masakhane.
Correct. (Masakhane is the informal settlement where I work.)

Sonja: What is the strongest thing in the world but you cannot see it?
Rathla: Its inside you, it must be being brave or love or something, Ag mom you always say these things, its SO easy to answer your riddles.

Franci: (Just after two motorbikes have passed us on the road)
Motorbike Motorbike Two
Motorbike Motorbike true.
Rathla: Ag Cheti it is a motorbike.
Franci: No.
We gues and gues and then give up.
Franci: It is TWO motorbikes!

Ons ry verby 'n trop bobbejane en ek vra:
Sonja: Wat is daar 'n hele klomp van buite die kar en net twee van binne in die kar.
Rathla kry dit onmiddelik reg, (bobejane! ag mamma!!!!!) partykeer dink ek hy kan my gedagtes lees!

Rathla: What gives a lift and goes on and on?
Ons raai 'n kar, 'n taxi ens...
Rathla: Its our family! (Ek laai altyd mense op die grondpad op en Rathla het eendag vir my gevra hoekom doen ek dit? Toe se ek ek doen dit want sy oupa Tex het altyd mense 'lifts' gegee en toe se ek in 'n grap en 'n baie deftige stem 'you must be proud of yourself my son, you come from a long line of liftgivers!' Hy het dit onthou en het nou die dag vir my gese, ek moenie worry nie, hy sal nie die 'line' breek nie, sodra hy 'n kar het gaan hy ook vir mense 'lifts' gee - ja familie tradisies!

Franci maak die eienaardigste raaisels, sy se sommer enige iets met 'n klomp gebrabbel van sterre en beeste en riddle-me-rows alles deurmekaar. Dan hou sy net skielik op in die middel van 'n sin en dan moet ons nou raai wat dit is. Rathla raai: 'n lorrie, 'n wolk, 'n pad, 'n mens, liefde, 'n hero, ens. ens
Franci antwoord telkens "Nee"
Dan raai ek enigeiets, sommer 'n koei (want ek sien 'n koei)
Dan skree Franci 'CORRECT!'
Arme Rathla hy sal nog leer van die wispelturigheid van 'n vrou...

Geniet julle week, moenie bekommerd wees as ons dalk bietjie stil is nie, maar ek MOET regtig egtig hierdie week 'n paar werkstukke klaarmaak en inhandig! Ek sal die blog check en vir die kinders comments lees. E&S, Rathla maak my mal oor julle en daardie riddle gaan hierdie week opgelos word. Hy is in elk geval al so goed op die spoor dat hy dit binnekort self sou uitgewerk het. Sal julle laat weet via e-pos!!! Mooi loop.

Friday, May 16, 2008

Kyk bietjie verder af.

Hallo almal! Ai tog julle sal nou bietjie verder af moet kyk vir twee baie mooi items op ons blog want mamma (!!!!!!!!!!) het nou weer nie geweet dat as mens iets 'save' dan onthou die blog die datum en sit dit onder die goed van later nie. Daar is 'Waterpret' en 'Koekies bak' en julle wil dit nie misloop nie. Ook ons posadres is onder 'Book Alert' as enige iemand dalk enige iets vir ons wil pos...
Lief julle!

Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Urgent Book Alert!

This is an urgent call to all our friends and family. We have run out of 'Noddy' books and we have an official addict (Cheti) and an unofficial one (Rathla) and an undercover one (mom) and we have only read ' Noddy goes to toyland' (book 1) and 'Noddy gets in trouble' (book 8) about 20 times. We have been looking for them in the shops but mom doesnt like going to shops so we don't get much chance and when we do then Noddy is elsewhere! Please Granny, Aunt Cheryl, Vannessa, Cindy, Aunt Fay, Retha, everyone, if you happen to see any of the Noddy books in English or Afrikaans (In Afrikaans it is 'Knikkie') PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE get them for us and post ASAP to P.O. Box 73 Maanhaarrand 0346. We will Love you forever! Love the Bush(b)rats!

Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Handjies klap Koekies Bak!

Vrydag middae bak of maak ons gewoonlik iets lekkers. Ons hou baie daarvan om in die kombuis te bak en (meestal) brou. Hier het ons sjokolade muffins gebak en hulle versier! Soos julle kan sien verg dit konsentrasie en proe proe proe om als net reg te kry! Wens julle kon saambak en saam eet!

Mens moet baie mooi mik om die versiersuiker net reg op te smeer! Skoon hande is duidelik nie 'n voorvereiste by hierdie kook klasse nie. Sorry Jamie Oliver en Ina Paarman!

Hulle wil my weg hou van al daardie njammies, nou eet ek maar die tafel...

So ja, dis beter, laat ek hulle net so bietjie help.

This baby is stifling my creativity!
Daarsy, ons is klaar en baie ingenome met onsself!

See! I told you we are proffesional chefs! No sorry, we cannot part with the recipe - it is a chef's secret and besides - Ina Paarman has copy right on these pre-mixed products of hers! (Rathla loves saying ' its a chef's secret when he has made something in the kitchen! (S))

A last pose with our little morsels and then...they will be GONE!!!

Stay well all of our friends and family, even undercover one's!


Vrydae middae vat mamma 'af' en spandeer die middag saam met ons. Ons bak gewoonlik ietsie (nie altyd herkenbaar as noodwendig iets om te eet nie!(S)) of ons doen net iets snaaks. Dan neem mamma fotos van ons.

Hier is ons 3 so 'n rukkie terug in die tuin met die sproeier aan - dit was GROOT pret!

Kyk, ek hardloop nes Rathla! Ons twee kan dalk die voorry haal!

Voorry en die Feetjie...

Hoop julle geniet die fotos, groete en liefde aan al ons mense van Ellisras tot innie Kaap!

Monday, May 12, 2008

Hallo aan al ons 'fans!'

Ons was 'n bietjie stil, jammer aan al ons aanhangers en hulle word net meer en meer!

Ongelukkig is ons van Mamma afhanklik om die blog op datum te hou en sy raak soms so bietjie besig met haar eie goed wat natuurlik NOOIT naastenby so belangrik soos ons en ons blog is nie, maar sy sien dit nie so nie. Wanneer sy met haar leerwerk besig raak dan moet ons net uit haar pad bly. Dit het dalk iets te doen met die feit dat ons daarvan hou om prentjies te teken en papiervliegtuie te maak en dat eenkeer mamma se hele Werkstuk 01 van Navorsingsmetodiek (wat dit ookal is - kannie belangrik wees nie!) in pragtige papiervliegtuie gemaak was en by die dam mee gevlieg is. Dis nie ons skuld ons het papier gesoek en daar was dit - 24 bladsye op haar tafel! Jammer vir die geskryf aan die een kant maar ons het aan die ander kant geteken voor ons die vliegtuie gemaak het. Wel, mamma het daardie dag nogal 'perform' - dit was glo haar 'first draft' of iets en sy WOU dit nog op die rekenaar uitgetik het. Dit sal haar leer om nie so outyds te wees om eers 24 bladsye met die hand te skryf wanneer sy dit direk op die rekenaar kon gedoen het nie!

Verder gaan dit goed met ons, ons het gister alweer 'n slang gevang - 'n Cape Wolf Snake - hulle is volop hier rond. Ons hou dit net vir 'n dag of twee dan laat ons dit weer gaan. Please Granny don't worry we WILL be careful!

Our new house is coming on nicely. I am going to have my own room and the girls are going to share a room. (Rathla) (Ja en ons sal maar sien DAAROOR ek dink ons kan dalk maklik met 3 bedjies in een kamer eindig as iemand dalk nie alleen wil slaap nie...(S))

Ons was laasweek by Predator World naby Sun City - Ons Aunt Vannessa was daar en ons het die dag met haar deurgebring. Ons het baie diere gesien, slange ens. (Rathla het baie fotos geneem - hy is nogal goed daarmee.)

En die nanny was saam en sy se ek lyk NES my aunt Vannessa, behalwe vir die blou oe, die het ek en Rathla van mamma se ma - ons ouma Daleen. (Savuti.)

Daar was 'n baie groot luislang en ons het fotos geneem - hy was baie swaar en pappa moes help om dit op Rathla se skouers te kry. Die slang het eers met sy gesig so naby Rathla se gesig gekom! Ek wie Franci is het maar liewer net van 'n afstand af aan dit deelgeneem!

Laas week het ons en pappa 'n dooie rooibokkie in die veld gekry. Dit lyk of sy in die pad gekom het van twee ramme wat baklei want sy was deurboor. Franci het gehuil oor die dooie bokkie, Rathla wou weet of ons dit kon eet!

Ons volstruis sit op eiers. Hier is nie mannetjie volstruise op die plaas nie, maar ons volstruise le eiers! Dan sit hul daarop. Die staf moet die eiers wegvat en leegmaak. Ons het al volstruiseier geeet en dis GROOOT! Hiers 'n foto. Kan julle dit glo?

Mooi bly aan almal en Baie Dankie vir die Comments - ons dink dis GREAT om 'Secret Admirers' te he! Veral as hulle dink ons is so oulik en mooi! It runs in the family...

Saturday, April 19, 2008

Net omdat ek die Baba is...!

Net omdat ek die baba is beteken nie ek mag nie 'n beurt in hierdie koerant kry nie! Ek't nie veel te se nie - ek pos net fotos! Ek het blonde hare en blou oe - nes my ouma Daleen. Ek loop die heeltyd op my tone en die staff op die plaas se ek oefen vir 'high heels' - toevallig was ouma Daleen MAL oor 'high heels' - so watch this space!

Ek is lief vir my boetie en sussie - hulle mag net nie NABY mamma kom nie dan val ek hulle aan! Ek en Cheti en Rathla speel in die aand wegkruipertjie in die huis. Hulle raak soms nogal vies vir my in die dag wanneer ek my eie planne het met hulle speelgoed maar ek steur my gelukkig nie te veel aan hulle nie - ek doen net my ding!

Ek hou van die honde en katte maar hulle mag ook nie naby mamma gaan nie - mense verstaan dit nie, maar sy is net MYNE! Ongelukkig verstaan sy dit self nie en dan se sy vir my Rathla en Cheti is ook haar babas! Dit kan mos nou nie wees nie!

Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Hi there Vannessa!

Hallo to our CLEVER aunt Vannessa who has managed to find our blog with NO help in a world where mom herself loses the blog ever so often. Mom is going to TRY and create links to our cousins Kendra and Branston's blogs then maybe we will also be able to get news every once in a while! Our Cousin Branston came to visit us last year and we had a lot of fun. Our cousin Kendra lives in heaven and in our hearts.

We would love to go visit Branston in Cape town - we just love being by the sea. Mom is busy with things at the village at the moment so we can't go now. Anyway, a big HI! to Branston!

Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Before and After

I had a hair cut today! I decided that I wanted to have my hair cut a bit shorter. I managed to grow it quite long (I wanted my hair like Tarzan's) and as the deal with mom was that I had to keep it clean that was quite something!

Mom says she is proud of me for having had the courage to wear my hair long when so many people make fun of boys with long hair. Like this morning when I went with to the village where mom works and the women said they were sure I was a girl. People can be so silly! You get used to it. Mom says wearing my hair long taught me to stand up for what I believe in. I dont know about all that, all I know is that it was time for a change so I went to town (Magaliesburg) with mom.

At the hairdresser, can you believe it - there were no books with pictures of boy haircuts in! So even before mom could THINK about picking up a book with a lot of girl hair styles in, I asked for a pencil and drew the hairstyle that I wanted!

It came out very nice, a bit too short but, as mom says, hair grows back and I must say I quite like it. Cheti says I look like a handsome prince. Cool.

We got my sister a huge chelsea bun and I got a black t shirt . It was nice to go to town alone with mom.